Find advantages in couples Disadvantages

When going out any shortcomings of the couple does not matter, you
even interested in the shortcomings and can understand. But after years of living with these shortcomings make you upset, angry about it. Each person is unique, even the uniqueness is what enriches the life of your marriage.

Have you ever give praise to the uniqueness of the couple will
no you? Probably most women would be reluctant to give-
compliment her on her husband because they thought he was a big day
or my head is considered cheap or myriad other reasons.
Similarly, husbands, perhaps they felt it unnecessary to praise
his wife again because it is the husband and wife, embarrassed when hearing children
children, later given a cynical response from his wife ("Surely there wants"). The reasons are often encountered in most of the relationship man-woman.

Try to give praise to the couple again without thinking of the response
possible negative he gave. You can imagine what happened
her? Praise is like a spray of adrenaline that makes
spirit gave him, and arose feeling happy and satisfied will
him. For example you praise your wife cooking tasty (though you
know the food is rather salty) but the response he would be awesome
and she will cook more delicious again at another time. Sure thing
It is also fun for you.

Instead of criticism will perforate and cause feelings of power
out among other useless hurt, anger and negative feelings
other. Criticism makes us feel it's disappointing someone.
In contrast to the praise that helps fulfill two basic requirements
man that is felt himself mean, necessary, important, and to-
needs to feel secure in a relationship, belonging and always
ready for each other. Compliment you can give anytime. Do not
fear of the husband / wife became bored when praised continue. Of research in-
know that everyone is so eager to be praised by others either
because the performance, appearance or anything else.

There may be confused what should I praise ya from self
my partner? Everything is normal, there's nothing special from him.
Try again you are researching. It could be personality differences are
one of the uniqueness that when hailed will give radiance
new power to him. For example you are a conscientious,
regular and closed. In contrast to the jovial partner,
is open. He was so happy to talk about personal things in people
others even in people who have not known. While you, in person
that have been familiar only able to express things that are
personal. He likes the idea that there are other people and expect
which may help to think about anyway. You think a husband would
actually do so, and if you do not like
idea, you are strongly opposed. Then it happens
dispute because the wife does not understand how to think her husband.

Unlike the wives who need to take several hours or
days in considering something before implementing it.
And this makes him upset. But by understanding the difference
The personality they can co-exist. Husband with the idea
which spontaneously without thinking about whether it can happen or not,
assisted by his wife to realize. Wife praised her partner
of his ideas are brilliant and instead praised his wife's husband
of careful attitude to realize these ideas.

Personality differences that used to be the cause of quarrel
now make them a strong team.

You can also talk about the past two or while courting the
memorable. For example when first dating, he'd be willing to queue an hour only
to buy cinema tickets you requested. Give praise for
actions at that time.

Your spouse is the excess deficiency. As a husband and wife
ought to be complementary. Not making the shortage as
weapons to attack him but as a force for fostering
love between you both. Find the sides of the draw of the partner
and give praise to him that he also has the power to
memupuki love you both so that plants are constantly evolving